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彭巧云和毕雯莉时尚展“重生”在伦敦Velorose Gallery举办

时间:2018-07-12 08:58    来源:商务财经网  

   我们诚挚地宣布来自伦敦艺术学院的时尚配饰设计师彭巧云和毕雯莉将于2018年7月23号到24号在伦敦Velorose Gallery举办她们的时尚展“重生”。




  The Rearticulation News

  We are excited to announce that the fashion accessory designers Peng Qiaoyun and Bi Wenli from the University of the Arts London will hold their fashion exhibition “Rearticulation” at the Velosor Gallery in London from July 23rd to 24th, 2018.

  The mysterious ancient Shu civilization is a fusion of many surrounding cultures. Few materials can found in history, but people born and raised in Sichuan, China are no stranger to it. This mysterious ancient Shu culture influenced Peng Qiaoyun and accompanied her to London. Bi Wenli was born and raised in Beijing. In such a political and cultural center, people could quickly feel and experience the changes in China. When these two particular Chinese local cultures meet in London in a fashion way, it is bound to collide with an exciting spark.

  "One can never see the true face of the mountain if one can only look out from within these hills," said Su Shi, the Chinese ancient poet master. Sometimes when people jump out of their comfort zone, and it is easier to find the truth. In particular, under globalization, our generation is experiencing the global immigration and cultural migration. Because we are getting further and further from the "roots," we have more demands for the "roots" in our mind and realize the importance of our cultures. However, in today's commodity society, a variety of pop cultures have swept over, causing people to become aesthetically numb. People's understanding of culture has become more superficial, and life has gradually lost its sense of ritual, just as Bi Wenli said, "We are with a fragile body, it supports the existence of numbness." To retrieve the broken identity, Peng Qiaoyun and Bi Wenli decided to provide their local cultures new vitality and awaken people's attention to their own cultures. Both of the young artists have "Artisan spirit," and their craftsmanship makes their concept fully expressed. What is even more commendable is that they are not satisfied with staying at this level, but as a new generation of young people who speak for culture and combine with fashion to bring the charm to the ancient civilization. So why don't we come to see the exhibition and accept the baptism from the ancient civilization - broken is the beginning of the Rebirth.

  Edited by Fu Mengxi

  July. 2018

  彭巧云& 毕雯莉时尚展:重生




  地址: Velorose Gallery (1B Charterhouse Square, London EC1M 6EE, UK)

  Peng Qiaoyun & Bi Wenli’s Fashion Exhibition: The Rearticulation

  Curator: Peng Qiaoyun, Fu Mengxi

  2018. 7.23 - 7.24

  Opening: 2018.7.23. 6:00pm

  Address: Velorose Gallery (1B Charterhouse Square, London EC1M 6EE, UK)

  关于艺术家 About the Artists:

  彭巧云,毕业于伦敦艺术大学箱包配饰设计专业,曾多次参与知名设计合作项目,包括ZARA & LCF ,Pittards & LCF ,Bill Amberg & LCF等。在2016年参加伦敦时装周秋冬季,与服装设计师许宁合作,设计运动背包;在MA16 LCF展览中与摄影师三纯合作,设计配饰;并于2016年4月,作为四名学生代表中唯一一名亚裔学生,向韦塞克斯Sophie伯爵夫人介绍自己的设计。

  Peng Qiaoyun, graduated from University of the Arts London (UAL) Fashion Bags and Accessories Design, has participated in many design cooperation projects, including ZARA & LCF, Pittards & LCF, Bill Amberg & LCF, and so on. In London Fashion Week A/W16, she collaborated with fashion designer Xu Ning to design sports backpacks; in the MA16 LCF exhibition, she cooperated with photographer Sanchun to design the accessories; and in April 2016, she was selected as the only Asian student of the four representatives to introduce her designs to the Countess Sophie Wessex.

  毕雯莉,毕业于伦敦艺术大学箱包配饰设计专业,曾多次参与知名设计合作项目,包括Y3 & LCF, ZARA & LCF ,Pittards & LCF ,Bill Amberg & LCF等。2017年参加伦敦时装周,为品牌 ANNAERSTAND 做秀场内的服装搭配师;并于2016年四月被挑选中与英国皇室交谈设计理念。

  Bi Wenli, graduated from University of the Arts London (UAL) Fashion Bags and Accessories Design, has participated in many design cooperation projects, including Y3 & LCF, ZARA & LCF, Pittards & LCF, Bill Amberg & LCF, and so on. In London Fashion Week 2016, she worked as a stylist with ANNAERSTAND. In 2016, she was selected to talk with the British royal family.

  关于策展人 About the Curator:

    符梦希,就读于萨凡纳艺术设计学院商业设计与艺术管理专业,曾参与美国佐治亚世界会议中心(GWCC)商业设计项目,“甘美的遗迹”策展人,“重生”策展人之一,并先后参与Synchronicity Theater 和 Whole World Improve Theater两家非营利性机构的营销和筹款项目。

  Fu Mengxi, born in Sichuan,China, currently studying Business Design and Art Leadership at the Savannah College of Art and Design. She has participated in the business design project of the Georgia World Congress Center (GWCC) in 2018. She curated the “Lucious Relics” exhibition in Rome, Italy, and the “Rearticulation” exhibition in London, UK. She also participated in marketing and fundraising projects for Synchronicity Theater and Whole World Improv Theater in U.S.






  Peng Qiaoyun & Bi Wenli’s Fashion Exhibition: The Rearticulation Preface

  The mysterious ancient Shu civilization is a fusion of many surrounding cultures. Few materials can found in history, but people born and raised in Sichuan, China are no stranger to it. This mysterious ancient Shu culture influenced Peng Qiaoyun and accompanied her to London. Bi Wenli was born and raised in Beijing. In such a political and cultural center, people could quickly feel and experience the changes in China. When these two particular Chinese local cultures meet in London in a fashion way, it is bound to collide with an exciting spark.

  This exhibition is to commemorating Peng Qiaoyun and Bi Wenli’s graduation from the University of the Arts London (UAL) Fashion Bags and Accessories Design in the summer 2018. Due to the strong concept of the cultural reflection and artistry in their final projects, we are pleased to presents Peng Qiaoyun’s “A Sacrifice from Ancient Shu” serious and Bi Wenli’s “Broken is another reborn of ‘her’” serious as a unique art exhibition rather than a fashion show. At this time, the two are both designers and artists; the audience can appreciate their designs from the perspective of fashion, or stand by the fine art point to explore their artworks.

  "One can never see the true face of the mountain if one can only look out from within these hills," said Su Shi, the Chinese ancient poet master. Sometimes when people jump out of their comfort zone, and it is easier to find the truth. In particular, under globalization, our generation is experiencing the global immigration and cultural migration. Because we are getting further and further from the "roots," we have more demands for the "roots" in our mind and realize the importance of our cultures. However, in today's commodity society, a variety of pop cultures have swept over, causing people to become aesthetically numb. People's understanding of culture has become more superficial, and life has gradually lost its sense of ritual, just as Bi Wenli said, "We are with a fragile body, it supports the existence of numbness." To retrieve the broken identity, Peng Qiaoyun and Bi Wenli decided to provide their local cultures new vitality and awaken people's attention to their own cultures. Both of the young artists have "Artisan spirit," and their craftsmanship makes their concept fully expressed. What is even more commendable is that they are not satisfied with staying at this level, but as a new generation of young people who speak for culture and combine with fashion to bring the charm to the ancient civilization. So why don't we come to see the exhibition and accept the baptism from the ancient civilization - broken is the beginning of the Rebirth.

  by Fu Mengxi, the Curator

  July. 2018

(供稿:刘达华 责任编辑/张小强)





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